Thursday, October 31, 2019

Counselling Theory and Practice 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Counselling Theory and Practice 2 - Essay Example session may emphasize on exploration of the clients childhood experiences, which may provide a rightful assessment of the clients reaction to challenging situations. Mostly, after careful analysis of these experiences, the counsellor will consider ways in which the client could adjust these reactions. Effective counselling will allow the client see situations with the much needed clarity essential for making positive steps towards changing their mindset towards challenging situations. The critical aim of counselling is enabling the client arrive at, and make their own decisions and act upon them accordingly, and does not involve any form of advice giving. In understanding the client centred approach, we first have to look at its architect, psychologist Carl Rodgers (1902- 1887) who made enormous steps in expounding his dislike in the way psychology treated people as object of study rather than individuals deserving respect and understanding(Merry, 2002, pg 2). This meant that the counsellor, needed to show attributes such as positive regard, empathy and congruence whenever a client sought help from them. The client centred approach is therefore defined as a precise from of interviewing in which the client only responds to questions asked by the counsellor, more like a direct interview rather than a discussion. Patterson (1985) however outlines a number of characteristics exhibited by the client centred approach that may either promote or limit it as a form of counselling A counsellor must have in mind the face that no two clients are similar or share the same train of thought and capability of handling difficult situations and experiences, owing to the fact that the way they will react to a situation is dependent on their personal experiences in the world. Therefore, it is very essential that the counsellor avoids instances of expecting his/her clients to react in a manner they would when faced with a similar situation. The role of a counsellor is primarily to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

GE, Welch and the Trait Theory of Leadership Essay

GE, Welch and the Trait Theory of Leadership - Essay Example Two theories of leadership can be applied to the style used by Welch and these are the trait theories set and the situational theories of leadership. Gardner (1995) presents us with several ideas which leaders can use to change their leadership styles or how they can balance the styles depending on the situation. The idea of leadership traits can come with several stereotypes or ideas that some people are born leaders, but leadership skills can also be taught to people although the right personality always helps (Welch, 2005).For example, when we consider the third rule given by Welch which states that leaders must give out and infect others with positive energy and optimistic views about situations. That is a key pointer towards the fact that Jack Welch considers the majority of leadership skills to come from the trait theory than any other applicable theory. Undoubtedly, optimism is a personality trait and being able to create optimism or any other emphatic feeling in others requir es a leader to have charisma (DePree, 1989). Charisma is accepted by DePree (1998) to be a rare quality which is attributed to those leaders who create devoted followers. Devoted followers and employees who become your personal friends as well as have complete faith in your vision are simply essential. These employees can certainly be created with an informal style of management as applied in GEThis creation of trust and making the employees believe in the leadership of the leader is also a trait.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Harley Davidson Motor Company Strategy Analysis

Harley Davidson Motor Company Strategy Analysis INTRODUCTION This report aims to evaluate the strategic options available to the Harley Davidson organization. Harley Davidson Inc. has two operational segments, motorcycle and financing. Harley Davidson Financial Services (HDFS) offers loans, cycle insurance and protection plans to meet the needs of their owners, whilst the motorcycle segment designs, produces and markets primarily heavyweight touring, custom and performance motorcycles. It also manufactures motorcycle parts and accessories, gear and apparel. The company is the only major American producer of motorcycles and operates globally, with sales mostly in North America, Europe, Asia/Pacific and Latin America. Although in the past the company has experienced growth and continued success, attributed to its brand loyalty, in 2009 Harley Davidson (H-D) had to shut down and consolidate factories due to the effects of the recession and the fall of the US housing market. Strategic options can only be developed after the companys strategic position is known. Thus the first section of the report uses tools and concepts to determine H-D strategic position. In light of the companys strategic position strategic options are then formulated; this is presented in section 2. The third section of the report then uses the success criteria model presented by Johnson, Scholes and Whittington in corporate strategy, as a basis to evaluate the strategic options presented and recommendations are made. THE STRATEGIC POSITION OF HARLEY DAVIDSON INC. This section of the report is concerned with understanding the strategic position of Harley Davidson Inc. in an attempt to formulate strategic options for the company. It first identifies the changes that are occurring in the environment and how these changes affect H-D and its business activities and second the resource strength and capabilities of H-D. 1.1 The Environment In order to understand the environment which H-D operates in the following frameworks are used with the aim of helping to identify key issues and challenges and ways of coping with complexity and change. 1.1.1 Pestle Analysis In 2009 H-D stood to gain from the Economic Stimulus Package, passed into legislation by the Barack Obama Administration. The federal stimulus package gives taxpayers breaks if they purchase a new car, light truck, RV, or motorcycle. In addition, Coachman industries also a manufacturer of leisure vehicles and a competitor of H-D was eliminated from the New York Stock Exchange.(Wachter 2009). According to the Datamonitor report: The motorcycle industry segment has had economic growth for the past three years, and has only recently been experiencing decline. In 2007 it declined 2.3%, yet is forecasted to recover 4.3% by 2012. An economic factor in favor  of H-D, despite this decline, is that the U.S. industry generated total revenues of $10.2 billion in 2007, of which 98.8% were of motorcycles (not scooters, minibikes, etc.). Furthermore, within the U.S. economy H-D holds the majority of motorcycle sales. Therefore, even while industry growth is declining, H-D sales and other motorcycle sales are still continuing to increase. The Motorcyclye Industry Council (MIC) discloses that leisure product industries are facing steep decline however the motorcycle segment though declining ,is not doing so at a steep rate. Tim Buche, President of the MIC says Overall motorcycle sales were down 7.2%, not nearly as sharp a decline as many other consumer products in todays economy (Wasef 2009). Socially H-D has a competitive edge which is owed to its customer base, strong brand loyalty and demographic trends such as the increse in female operators. This loyalty is indicated in the average age of H-D consumers. H-D average consumer buying age is 42 years old and increasing (Gauvin 2005). H-D aspires to increase its consumer demographics, however à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦although the younger generation below 35 years of age has posted the largest gains in ownership, the generation that is on the edge of the baby boomer segment will be the main catalyst of growth for the industry (Koncept 2007). One social factor that may negatively affect the sale of H-D motocycles is the stigma that has been attached to these leisure vehicles. Alot of people believe that motorcycles are dangerous and this belief is strengthened due to the high rate of motorcycle fatalities and crashes. H-D stands the chance of escaping this stigmatisation if the public views their bikes as cruisers and not speed bikes. Technologically H-D can take advantage of antilock brake systems. Antilock brakes could help riders avoid fatal crases according to a study done by the insurance industry. 1.1.2 Porters Five Forces Model Rivalry H-D operates within the Recreational Vehicles industry along with five other major competitors: Winnebago, Polaris, Thor, Arctic Cat and Marine Products, the top performers within the industry which holds 92% of the market share by volume with a market capitalization of 64.653 Billion of a total Industry of 7 Billion. Other firms in different industries that are direct product rivals include Honda Motor Company Limited, Yamaha Motor Co, Ltd., and Suzuki Motor Corporation (Appendix 1). The presence of these large multinational corporations with exceptionally high assets boosts the degree of rivalry within the industry. Because of the small number of material rivals, the markets revenue is shared between fewer firms and enhances the degree of rivalry for bottom line profit. This rivalry forces most competitors to try and diversify their business models through geographical expansion or vertical expansion, leading to interests and investments in a variety of other segments such as the automobile, watercraft, industrial and farming equipment areas. (Datamonitor 2004). Threat of Substitutes The Recreational Vehicle industry faces threats from the Automobile Industry, from public transportation options and bicycles. The threat is largely dependent on the indispensability of motorcycles and other lifestyle products to the end user.(Datamonitor 2008). In most developed countries, motorcycles are leisure items and are not a necessity and are therefore largely dispensable or substitutable by more practical items such as cars or more cost effective means of transportation such as bicycles. This lack of necessity increases the threat of substitutes and is one of the major reasons why the external market goes into decline during economic recession. Buyer Power Overall, buyer power is low due to sustainable competitive advantage of product differentiation which is impossible for other brand competitors to match. Supplier Power Large multinational corporations such as Harley-Davidson can receive materials from many different international suppliers and face low switching costs due to minimal product differentiation. This presence within the international market boosts Industry leaders power. Overall, supplier power is moderate. Threat of New Entrants Overall, this threat is moderate due to high set up costs, high brand recognition, customer loyalty and high research and development costs. 1.2 Resources Strength and Capabilities Organizational Resources H-D has a formal structure that works for the company: decentralized, expert teams and leadership circles that value employee input. Programs they use to plan, report and track inventory and production include their Supply Management Strategy system (SMS), Vibration Tech PdM technology systems, as well as their web-based H-D Distribution supplier network that provides vendors with a wealth of information about supply and demand within the company. Physical Resources The Harley Triangle provides a basis for tracking and monitoring the firms physical resources. Location and Sophistication of management and the expertise of manufacturing personnel and other employees is the key in accessing raw materials, procurement and upkeep related to manufacturing equipment. H-D plants are streamlined and well-maintained, which is a core resource for H-D. Technological Resources H-D has many technological resources: including many different brand name Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights which protect its reputation and image. Human Resources/Capital Trust, Knowledge, Managerial capabilities, as well as organizational culture are H-Ds most valuable human resources. The company culture, gives H-D a major competitive advantage. Employees and suppliers know their input is valued and take pride in their work. People involved are passionate about the brand and this adds invisible value to the company. Innovation Resources Employee and supplier, as well as managements ideas are huge resources for H-D, as these people know the business and know its potential. Since there are such a variety of inputs, H-Ds capacity to innovate and create/develop new product is not subject to stagnation or groupthink. However, H-D does try to stay true to its niche market, and this creates some boundaries for innovative ideas. Reputational Resources Reputation with customers, brand name, perceptions of product, and reputation with suppliers are all very beneficial to H-Ds operations, and keep customers loyal to the product. Interactions and relationships are stressed at H-D in order to ensure quality workmanship and mutually beneficial participation in all stages of production. CAPABILITIES Purposely Integrated Technological Resources H-D ensures that all processes and activities throughout its value chain are integrated using web based SMS systems, barcodes, and reports that enable its JIT inventory flow. This allows production to flow smoothly. Manufacturing H-Ds JIT inventory pull system means that it must have streamlined manufacturing abilities. H-D does this by ensuring quality inputs into its manufacturing plants, flow production methods, and well-maintained equipment. H-D manufacturing plants are capable of producing many different models and base their inventory off of customer pull demand, reducing costs around the board as well as inventory finished products that sit unsold in warehouses (of which H-D has very few). Distribution JIT inventory management needs good transportation flow logistics. H-D has the capability to reduce lead times and ensure pull delivery through its private fleet of trucks and contracts with distribution suppliers. STRATEGIC OPTIONS The identification of possible directions builds on an understanding of H-D strategic position. The adaptation of Ansoffs product/market matrix is used for identifying directions for strategic development. Development directions are the strategic options available to H-D in terms of products and market coverage taking into account the strategic capability of the company and the expectation of shareholders. (Johnson et al 2005). Figure2, the adaptation of Ansoffs product/market matrix summarizes the strategic options available to H-D. Figure 2. Strategy Development Directions Source: Johnson et al (2005) Exploring Corporate Strategy H-D can choose one or more of the following options: It can protect and build on its current position. It can develop new markets for its products. It H-D can also develop new products in new markets and It diversifies into new markets and develops new products. These options can be pursued through different development methods which are internal development, mergers and acquisitions and strategic alliances. The options chosen has to address the key issues and challenges faced by the H-D, the company must also satisfy stakeholders expectations but most important H-D must have the resources and capabilities to develop the options chosen. In other words the option must be suitable, acceptable and feasible (Johnson et al 2005). The H-D motorcycle has been an American icon since 1903. Harley has built one the most unique reputations within the American motorcycle business. The motorcycles have transformed into a lifestyle, rather than mere transportation. Utilizing the motorcycles image, H-D became a market for recreational vehicles; constituting a sense of freedom and leisure to transportation. Often complementary to other recreational vehicles, such as motor homes, boats and snowmobiles. H-D has taken advantage of their exceptional culture and has used it to create sales. However, regardless of Harleys reputation and heritage, an economic downturn has shown that Harley Davidson Inc. needs to restructure their market. Financial crisis has slowed consumer spending, ultimately leading to low sales motorcycles and recreational vehicles. Due to the economic conditions, H-Ds 2008 profit fell 30 percent, decreasing shipments by 8 percent. (Harley Davidson Annual 2009 Report). The demand for heavyweight motorcycles has dropped dramatically, not only in the US economy but also worldwide. A slow domestic economy forces one to direct a focus on international prospects to open future long-term opportunities. The American dream, associated with Harleys, needs to be changed to fit in other dynamic cultures to increase market size. Also, increasing market size will allow more investment in research and development to apply competitive advantages within the market. H-D already has an upper hand in terms of brand uniqueness and clearly stands out from the ordinary motorcycle. An already attractive product will allow RD to function at an optimal rate. Harley Davidson Inc. currently operates internationally and the demand in foreign countries has forced management to apply their leadership and marketing skills to international markets. The economic slump has forced H-D to restructure its international management team and outlook. More experience and expertise into a countrys culture and legal requirements are essential. A global management team needs to be comfortable and confident when operating with or in foreign countries. Understanding international business practices and ethics is a crucial quality when trying to expand. Harley needs to create country based teams that are determined to make wise cultural decisions. Closely executing legal dimensions, geographic barriers, cultural obstacles, and investments will positively position Harley Davidson Inc. for future prospects. Harley Davidson Inc.s former CEO stated, International markets are a great opportunity, we need to grow them to diversify our revenue base (Harley Davidson Inc. 2009). A new CEO has been appointed and is expected to bring global and manufacturing experience. Keith E. Wandell is well attuned to international sales as well as manufacturing experience. These two qualities are exactly what Harley Davidson needs in order to reconstruct their international markets. This could be a turning point for Harleys selling approach. Building manufacturing plants in bigger foreign markets will help relieve shipping expenses, taxes, tariffs, and will be able to accurately respond to the specialized demand. Starting manufacturing plants in other countries could create numerous job opportunities. Properly trained managers would provide a domestic leadership style that is optimally adjusted to the proper culture. Not only would this create more jobs for US management, but also generate more revenue for foreign economies as locals will be needed for production. Although a long term goal, the production of manufacturing plants would be a plausible and positive future management decision as markets expand over time. Many consumer behavior research studies indicate that consumers are very likely to purchase products that are offered as limited editions. One strategy H-D can use in order to foster growth is to release a limited edition motorcycle, co-created by consumers as part of the promotional mix. H-D can use this promotional strategy to get consumers involved, appeal to their desires for rarity, and increase sales. While H-D has released several limited edition motorcycles in the past, this promotion can be adapted into a new strategy. The new limited edition motorcycle would require the involvement of consumers to help co-create the product. H-Ds research and development department would design three different motorcycles and then they would be uploaded to the H-D website. Then, consumers would be able to log on and vote for their favorite motorcycle. The winning motorcycle would then go into limited production. Those who voted would have first priority to purchase the motorcycle. Owners would then get an all-inclusive trip to the H-D Sturgis Rally. This promotion would be relatively inexpensive, yet highly effective. The designers could design the motorcycles in a way that reuses as many existing parts as possible, while still creating a unique style. This design process would lower production costs for the limited edition motorcycle. A limited edition motorcycle release of this nature would be an effective strategy because consumers are flocking to brands that are playing hard to get. Now more than ever, rarity is important for the high-end luxury sector, affluent 30-40 year olds, baby boomers, generation X and Y, and creative class consumers. This trend has shown that successful selling involves building a niche market rather than appealing to the masses. The world is becoming saturated with products that are very similar to each other, and the quest for rarity has been driven by the feeling that certain products will help us to stand apart from the masses. A limited edition H-D motorcycle is the perfect way for consumers to do just that. H-D is not new to the limited edition market scheme- the strategy just needs to be adjusted to todays consumer. One of H-Ds previously successful limited edition motorcycles is the 50th Anniversary Nightster. This model was popular because it made people want what they couldnt have. This model was embellished with a gold anniversary emblem and the year 1957 embroidered on the seat. The motorcycle also was aligned with the traditional masculinity of H-D, including the traditional colors, chrome pipes, and rugged-look. Only 2000 of these were manufactured and they retailed at only $10,000- now thats buzz-worthy. Even H-D representatives say they dont know of a single dealership with one in stock. (Harley Davidson Inc 2009). Even in the declining economy, H-D can still grow their company by altering their promotional mix. H-D can create hype and buzz by releasing a limited edition motorcycle, co-created by consumers. Consumer behavior research shows that consumers respond positively to product campaigns focused on rarity and scarcity. The buzz created due to this product release will help to increase brand awareness, and more importantly, brand resonance. These two factors ultimately result in more sales for the company. RECOMMENDATIONS There are many strategic options available to H-D however the choice made should be one that the company can pursue with existing resources and one that is line with the companys vision and mission. H-D should protect and build on their current position through consolidation and market penetration. Consolidation is where organizations protect and strengthen their position in their current markets with current products. Market penetration, is where an organization gains market share. (Johnson et al 2005). Appendix 1 pages 5 and 6 shows that H-D used this strategy they consolidated some of their operations so as to adjust cost structures and invested in their brand as a means of market penetration. Appendix 1 page 7 also states that H-D plans to add 100 to 150 dealer points through 2014. This is a good strategic option for the future but H-D should pursue this only after they have regained market share, reason being so that the company would have enough resources, especially financial resources to successfully pursue this option. Product development and market development as discussed above are also good options but should not be pursued by H-D at this point in time as these options require extensive resources and investment. Whilst new products may be vital to the future of the organization, the process of creating a broad product line is expensive, risky and potentially unprofitable. (Johnson et al 2005).H-D should use all their available resources to develop the company internally and focus on their brand. (as they are presently doing; Appendix 1 page 6) CONCLUSION H-D has a strong foundation and a uniquely powerful brand however this was not enough to allow the company to escape the problems associated with the recent economic downturn. H-D has to pursue strategies that will enable them to sustain growth and market share to endure economic hard times and to keep away competitors. The company has laid down their business strategy quite clearly in their 2009 annual report (See Appendix page 6) and this is an excellent start to do achieving this. If the company can turnaround itself around from the verge of bankruptcy in the 1980s then with the right tangible and intangible resources, current technology and the knowledge of past strategies used Harley Davidson can become the leader in the motorcycle industry internationally. REFERENCES Datamonitor (2007) Motorcycles in the United States: Industry Profile. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 5th March, 2011]. Gauvin, T (2005) Harley Davidson. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 5th March, 2011]. Harley-Davidson Inc (2009) 2009 Annual Report. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 27th February, 2011]. Harley-Davidson Inc (2009) Harley-Davidson Reports 2008 Results, Plans Lower 2009 Shipments and Unveils Strategy for Current Environment. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 27th February, 2011]. Johnson, Gerry, Scholes, Kevan and Whittington, Richard (2005) Exploring Corporate Strategy. Seventh Edition. Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education. Print ISBN 0 273 68734 4. Koncept, A (2008) Recreational Vehicle Market: Aging Baby Boomers to Fuel Growth. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 27th February, 2011]. Wasef, B (2009) Motorcycle Industry Council Reports Drop in Motorcycle Sales, Upswing for Scooters and Dual-Purposes. [Online] Available at: http: // [Accessed: 25th February, 2011]. Wachter, D (2009) Motorcyclists Reap Benefits from the Stimulus Package. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 3rd March, 2011].

Friday, October 25, 2019

Analysis of Archibald Lampmans The City of the End of Things Essay

Analysis of Archibald Lampman's The City of the End of Things       Iron Towers. Terrible flames.   Inhuman music, rising and falling.   Grim depths and abysses, where only night holds sway and gruesome creatures crawl before their awesome Master.   Through these disturbing images, and a masterful adaptation of the sonnet structure, Archibald Lampman summons forth The City of the End of Things.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The nameless City he creates is a place of mechanical slavery and despair, where Nature cannot exist, and human life is forfeit.   The place is a veritable Hell; no, worse than a hell - it is Tartarus.   By evoking the name of this, the most feared of realms in classical Mythology, Lampman roots his poem, and thus his City and message, in Greek and Roman legend.   This is very important since, by wrapping the poem within a mythological narrative, it automatically begins to undermine any attempt to enforce Christian (and other) readings upon it.   It becomes important to understand exactly what is intended by the usage of 'Tartarus', and precisely how deeply it permeates the structure of the poem.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tartarus was not just another realm within the classical world - it was a land beyond Hades, beyond the Underworld, lying as far below hell as the Earth lay below Heaven; is was said that an anvil would fall for nine days before reaching it.   It was a land of exile, a prison for those who displeased the current ruling hierarchy of Gods and divine beings.   Uranus imprisoned his first children there; the Titans, having overthrown their father, threw the Cyclops into Tartarus - only to take their place once Zeus' rebellion disposed of the despotic giants.   It soon became a place of such fear that the mere threa... fact, seem insanely chaotic.   Our mindless support of self-centred political systems, of abuse of fellow human beings of different nationalities - it may well have appeared quite insane to him.   The poem, therefore, delivers a strong message of warning: we must develop a stronger awareness, a care of what is happening, lest we, the collective we - humanity, the 'Idiot', are left in the ruins of our effort, alone, forever.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Cited Grimal, Pierre.   "Tartarus"   The Dictionary of Classical Mythology.     Ã‚   New York: Blackwell, 1986.   p.443. Lampman, A.   "The City of the End of Things."   Canadian Poetry:    From the Beginnings Through the First World War.   Ed. Gerson, C and Davies, G.   Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1994.   259-262. Tripp, Edward.   "Tartarus"   Crowll's Handbook of Classical Mythology.   New York: Crowell, 1970.   p.545.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Do Stop and Searches Breach Our Privacy?

Since it was first introduced, the ‘stop and search' method of countering crime has sparked a fierce debate as to whether these searches are morally right. Happening almost daily, the practice continues to be very controversial, with many claiming that ‘stop and searches' breach our right to privacy. In the next couple of paragraphs, I shall attempt to answer the question â€Å"do stop and searches breach our privacy?† and learn a little more about the controversial topic. Depending on where in the UK one lives, one is likely to be stopped and searched at least once in their life by a police officer – it has become an inevitable fact. When told by an officer that they are going to be searched in public, a person is given a number of key rights and responsibilities. Both the former and the latter are obvious: the right to be told the officer's name and police station, the right to receive a ‘receipt' from the officer about the search, the right to not be strip searched in public, and the right to be searched by an officer of the same sex, as well as the responsibility to comply with the police, to not resist or abuse the officers, to take off all garments when asked to (only up to a jacket; never trousers or a shirt), and the responsibility to tell them your name and address. This fairly ordinary occurrence happens all the time, and is, for many, a regular procedure. It may seem like a harmless, if slightly annoying, chore. Unfortunately, when one looks a little deeper into the facts and statistics, there seems to be a racially-motivated reason why some social groups are more searched than others; black people are six times more likely to be stopped and searched than white people, and Asians are twice as likely. Most people are searched under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, which gives police officers the permission to perform the act randomly with anybody they suspect of carrying drugs or concealed weapons. The stubbornly high levels are shocking as it would seem that, according to members of the police force, people from ethnic minority groups are more likely to carry illegal drugs or items. This prejudice has led to more fierce debate and is, quite simply, unfair. Many people attack ‘stop and searches' due to this fact, claiming that this racially-motivated trend is ridiculously cruel, and out-dated for modern western society. Another argument against the ‘stop and search' procedure is one that criticises the lack of evidence that proves that ethnic minorities are more likely to be involved in crime; it is simply not justifiable for officers to base their ‘reasonable suspicion' on personal beliefs. A final argument is the low reduction of crime caused by the search, with crime rates dropping by only 0.2%. On the other hand, many claim that it is a necessary way to prevent crime, and is justifiable as an officer should know who is more likely to commit offenses. Some also believe that due to the large amount of crime possibly prevented by ‘stop and searches' (in 2009 14,700 people were arrested and 7,500 knives were recovered) the whole thing has helped to make society a safer place. In conclusion, it seems clear that the ‘stop and search' method is wrong and has little impact on criminals, and despite the amount of crime prevented, the whole procedure is unnecessary, unfair, bullying, and inefficient.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

In Broad Daylight: Message and Moral Essay

After hunger, sex is the most powerful drive in humans. In the event of non-fulfillment of this drive, one may turn to evil ways of life by which is meant resorting to actions not considered right and attendant with unpleasant consequences. Though the story â€Å"In Broad Daylight† is not purposely intended to be a story with strong social message, its author, Ha Jin, unwittingly establishes a universal truth that evil begets evil. The term evil has two connotations, one at purely personal and individual level and the second at collective and societal level. On an individual level, human emotions and desires demand freedom of satisfaction. One does not mind defying customs and systems and wants absolute rights as a human being. Mu Ying, principal character of Ha Jin’s story and a lady past her prime, indulges in prostitution as she has been dissatisfied with the physical aspects of her relationship with her husband Meng Su (Jin 84). She pleads with other woman to consider her case on human basis (Jin 84). Physical gratification is a matter of personal choice but it comes into conflict with regulatory aspect of society which to promote a stable system denounces physical gratification outside wedlock and makes it punishable as adultery. The more primitive and backward the society, like China during times of Communist Revolution, the more barbaric the punishment. Mu Ying’s thrashing a red guard for not paying her money results in her public humiliation and atrocious death at the hands of Red Guards and suicide of her husband (Jin 88) – evil begetting evil. The author Ha Jing has not raised any question of morality. He has simply described the incompatible conduct of a person and its disastrous repercussions.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Windows 7 Essay Example

Windows 7 Essay Example Windows 7 Essay Windows 7 Essay Primarily there is no end for human craving for new technology and so here comes the Microsoft’s latest release of innovative Windows 7. Expected to be released in 2010, Windows 7 is faster, more reliable, has more compatibility for programs and devices than vista. Built on the same platform as Windows Vista and windows server 2008, Windows 7 is expected to improve things like memory management, networking, process management, security.   One of its unique features is the â€Å"Windows Touch† which allows the users to use their   fingers as input device instead of the mouse. The new operating system does remove some of the flubs of Vista, like the UAC and the removal of the sidebar. In place of the sidebar users can simply add gadgets to the desktop. Other features include Pinning applications to the task bar. Notably task bar is improved with new and improved task pan , with the option to view even a full screen preview before switching to the window.Connecting and sharing media and printers are made easier in windows 7. Plug your device to your computer and see the task you want is another great trait. System restore which is available in xp and Vista is extended to Windows 7.LIMITATIONS:As with every Technogy, Windows 7 has its own limitations which can be rectified in the near future.Windows 7 is incompatible with windows live Onecare. Although Microsoft has announced that it would introduce a free security offering called MORRO backups created with windows live OneCare cannot be used with windows 7. The only option is to restore the data using windows Live Onecare and then backup or copy that data to another location using windows backup.Another limitation is that with the Starter edition. Windows 7 starter edition allows only three concurrent applications. On the other hand, home premium edition is expensive which allows more than 15 concurrent applications. In addition, Windows 7   starter users will not have the additional applicatio ns like Media centre or DVD maker.CONCLUSION:Thus Windows 7 offers services that improve performance, reliability, security and compatibility, compared to previous operating systems.In terms of comparison with windows vista we can conclude that Windows 7 is similar to windows visa in terms of its visual interface but with a different technology. Microsoft is working hard to smooth some of vista’s rough edges. One of its unique features DeviceStage, (a window for controlling devices) is a great added value.Many of the improvements to features like BitLocker, backups, and Enterprise needs will make Windows 7 a viable new OS for those holding off on the Vista upgrade. The true result will also depend upon the business running enterprise systems. On the whole windows 7 totally simplifies the way you work with the windows on your desktop.REFERENCES:1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Windows vista in a nutshell, Preston Gralla, 2006, O’reilly.2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ dows/windows-7/3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   www.windows7news.com4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Monday, October 21, 2019

Effective Recommendations on Career Advancement

Effective Recommendations on Career Advancement Best Habits to Improve Your Career You can easily find multiple tips for people who are looking for a job, but what about advice on career improvement for people who already have a job? As numerous businesses have cut back their staff, a big amount of employed people are stuck performing the work of several people. Here Is a List of the Effective Tips to Help Advance Your Career Know Your Career Goal Your career goal should challenge you to find the original role, which best suits your skills, talents and passions, and forces you toward success. You have to understand your work and know how to do it well. This means that you should have technical competence and meet the requirements for your job. Network Even if You Are Not Looking for a New Job The main advice for job seekers and even for those who are not looking for a new job is networking. A good professional network often becomes a source of friendships and referrals for almost anything. Besides, your professional network can give objective insights for the assessment of the opportunities and problems as well. Acquaintances of acquaintances, trade organizations and various education classes provide great sources for creating relationships with people that may help improve your career. You should keep in mind that job security can come and go, while a developed network of important contacts is always useful. Trust Your Intuition If any situation does or does not feel right, never let your logic override your instincts. You know what I mean if you have ever taken a job your intuition warned you against and realized some time later that your instinct was first right. Of course, logic has to take place in your decision-making, as well as in the career advancement, but together with intuition, it can provide you with a balanced perspective on the career improvement. Pursue Only Those Goals Which You Really Want to Achieve When you are setting the goals that have to help advance your career, test their viability with the help of RUMBA method. According to it, all of your goals have to be Reasonable, Understandable, Measurable, Behavioral and Agreed upon. If your goal does not meet any of these conditions, it is probably not worth your endeavors. Not only you, but also every other person involved with your goal has to genuinely trust that it is a good idea. You Should Have Time Devoted to Education, Work and Fun Many people divide their lives into three separate periods with different purposes. Until the age of 20, most of us are in so-called learning box when we absorb all the information we get. From about 20 to 65, we are in the working box and focus on producing valuable products or services. And at 65, we move into the fun box. However, it is not the best way to spend our lifetime. Instead, people, who know how to combine education, job, and free time, seize and enjoy every day of their lives.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Case study #1 HRD #394 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

#1 HRD #394 - Case Study Example tance of repairing the machines and also improve the conditions and the equipments that would help reduce the cases of accidents and injuries in the work. The programs of behavioral based safety focus the employees as the main cause of accidents and injuries at workplaces. In this, many employees blame their employees for most of the accidents at workplaces, in most cases; however, behavioral based safety targets improving the safety behaviors in the workplaces by the use of employee involvement. It involves identifying the employees practices and behaviors that would help in reducing the risk of injury. Management accountability and engineering control both affect safety issues at workplaces, managers should understand that the safety of their employees also fails in their hands. They should understand that they have the responsibility to provide a safe and healthy workplace for their employees. Management should also ensure that the organization has adequate resources focused towards ensuring that the organization meets the safety and health implementation strategies and objectives. With this in mind then the management is accountable to all its employees in regard to health and safety. Engineering control also affects safety issues at the workplace; regular fixing of the engineering systems in an organization reduces the incidences of accidents and injuries at the workplaces. This fixing of the engineering systems helps improve the hazardous conditions and equipments that help eliminate the potential causes of accidents. This paper concurs with the critics of behavior based safety, the critics of the BBS state that the employees are not always responsible for the accidents and injuries as the advocates put it. Injuries and accidents in the workplaces mainly rise from the unsafe conditions with bad designs, the failure of the organizations to provide the safeguards required and the failure of the organizations to take the best preventive measures. This proves

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Achieving and Sustaining Growth at Lenovo Research Paper

Achieving and Sustaining Growth at Lenovo - Research Paper Example The Company has ranked behind only two companies – Hewlett Packard and Dell in profitability for 2006. However, customer perception of the Company does not appear good on certain issues such as installation, after sales service and availability of credit, based on a survey conducted as a part of this research effort. Lenovo must improve on these aspects, as well as build upon its success factors in order to sustain its current levels of growth. Japan, the United States and Europe represented the majority of global production and sales of computers and related products during the 2000s. One division of the computer industry is Personal Computers – which are systems with inbred processing facilities embedded in one silicon chip, and these computers are primarily intended for single users. Personal computers first appeared in the 1970s with Apple II being introduced in 1977. IBM PCs became competitive in 1981. (Snapshot). The two major types of personal Computers are PC and Macs, which are Personal Computers manufactured by the Apple Company. In the computer industry, Japan and the United States were the largest supercomputer manufacturers. Mainframe sales dropped in the 1980s and 1990s due to the development of client/server technology, with mid-range systems developing in the 1990s. With increasing sales, IBM and Hewlett Packard emerged as the major players and Hewlett Packard’s partnership with Intel has facilitated its growth in the marketplace (Snapshot). With an increase in globalization, smaller, cheaper, standardized systems like PCs have been gaining popularity. In an effort to improve sales volumes and reduce costs, PC companies have been entering into networking arrangements with other companies to share research and development costs. One example is that of Microsoft and Intel that worked together to develop the Net-PC and NEC’s PC operations with Packard Bell, forming a new venture known as Packard Bell-NEC (Snapshot).  Ã‚  

Friday, October 18, 2019

Two Fundamental Conditions Determine What Each One of US Can Become Essay

Two Fundamental Conditions Determine What Each One of US Can Become - Essay Example The sense of identity which individuals experience is determined by the moral and intellectual development and it defines what one becomes in life. The nine positions or stages of students’ journey during their development were provided by William Perry and have been substantiated by research (West 61). The identity of a student is congruent to his or her attitudes towards the acquired knowledge. The first category of the nine stages of development is that of received knowledge or dualism. The basic principle of dualism explains how individuals experience problems asserting that all problems can be solved. The ability of students to obtain the right solution to every problem hence determines how they experience life and thus what they become. The identities of people are diverse in terms of their achievement in life. Achievers are those who are capable of solving life problems through application of the right solutions. The knowledge received by a person is obviously a basic f actor which influences life achievement because it is through application of acquired knowledge that various tasks are achieved. However, knowledge requires skills and experience, which defines the identity of a person in terms of what has been achieved, and what that individual is capable of doing (DeRobertis 177). The feelings, which people develop about themselves significantly, influence problem-solving abilities because those who believe that they can manage situations and overcome challenges have a different identity from people who are submissive to the inevitable life challenges. Additionally, full dualism is a position presented by Perry that demonstrates the need to ignore solutions, which are not considered right in solving particular problems. As a result, it can be argued that the feelings people develop about their identity can be said to be a result of their ability to select the right solution to problems. People who are not able to learn ways of overcoming challenge s may have bad feelings about their own self. The concept of soft determinism views events and human decisions as being determined but moral responsibility and freedom exists but on the other hand, Jean Paul Sartre argues that the decisions, which determine our existence, are a result of an accident or chance (Odesanmi 85). The decisions, which people make, justify what every individual is in life and the diverse identities, which are associated with the achievement of people in society. It is true that people have freedom to choose what they become in life but at times accidental destinies result from unexpected happenings such as disease or disability which change the identity of a person and the manner in which self-worthy is viewed by himself or other people. In child development, the humanistic approach or theory of teaching emphasizes self-concept arguing that when a child feels good about himself or herself then it shows a good start in acquisition of knowledge (Odesanmi 88). The works of Carl Rogers also demonstrates how the humanistic approach determines what a child becomes in life through evaluation of how a student feels about his or her self-worth. Positive feelings about oneself thus lead to motivated

Public Relations in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Public Relations in Business - Essay Example " According to two American PR professionals Scott M. Cutlip and Allen H. Center, "PR is a planned effort to influence opinion through good character and responsible performance based upon mutual satisfactory two-way communication". Corporations use marketing public relations (MPR) to convey information about the products they manufacture or services they provide to potential customers to support their direct sales efforts. Typically, they support sales in the short and long term, establishing and burnishing the corporation's branding for a strong, ongoing market. Corporations also use public-relations as a vehicle to reach legislators and other politicians, seeking favorable tax, regulatory, and other treatment, and they may use public relations to portray themselves as enlightened employers, in support of human-resources recruiting programs. Non-profit organizations, including schools and universities, hospitals, and human and social service agencies, use public relations in support of awareness programs, fund-raising programs, staff recruiting, and to increase patronage of their services. Politicians use public relations to attract votes and raise money, and, when successful at the ballot box, to promote and defend their service in office, with an eye to the next election or, at career's end, to their legacy. PR has had many definitions over... Typically, they support sales in the short and long term, establishing and burnishing the corporation's branding for a strong, ongoing market. Corporations also use public-relations as a vehicle to reach legislators and other politicians, seeking favorable tax, regulatory, and other treatment, and they may use public relations to portray themselves as enlightened employers, in support of human-resources recruiting programs. Non-profit organizations, including schools and universities, hospitals, and human and social service agencies, use public relations in support of awareness programs, fund-raising programs, staff recruiting, and to increase patronage of their services. Politicians use public relations to attract votes and raise money, and, when successful at the ballot box, to promote and defend their service in office, with an eye to the next election or, at career's end, to their legacy. PR has had many definitions over the years and since its early boom days of the 1980s has almost entirely redefined itself. This is probably because most clients these days are far too media-savvy to think that fluffy ideas and champagne parties constitute a good media service (of course this is a good thing, but we do still like a good champagne party). PR these days is often misunderstood, and it's probably the fault of the PR industry itself that most people aren't sure where PR is supposed to stop and marketing, advertising, branding and all the other media services begin. Put very simply, good PR encourages the media (newspapers, magazines, TV and radio) to say good things about your product/service or whatever it is that you want to promote so that more people buy your

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Research and critically evaluate the context of addiction, Essay

Research and critically evaluate the context of addiction, (multi)generational trauma, and social determinants of health in rela - Essay Example Many theories have been put forth to explain the context of addiction, but only a few have linked the individual experiences and relationships in the society to the context of addiction. This paper will address how family life, social structures, and other socio-economic factors contribute to substance abuse resulting in addiction. More specifically, the paper will analyze how an individual’s experiencein early childhood as well as multi-generational trauma contribute to the development of addiction. First Nation’s People in Canada The First Nations people are the aboriginal groups in Canada such as Inuit and Metis that suffered acculturation, after the Europeans imposed a new culture, replacing the people’s traditional culture. This occurred via compulsion, with the people losing their cultural identity. These communities exhibit a form of social disability that has defined the society since the acculturation. These communities have lagged behind the rest of Can ada, aw exhibited by the socio-economic factors of the society (Satzewich & Wotherspoon, 2002). Substance Use and Addiction among First Nation’s People As described above, the socio-economic factors of these communities exhibit the need for intervention. ... The Inuit community experiences a high prevalence of substance abuse with the most commonly used substances being cocaine, marijuana, and solvents. Among the Nunavik, cannabis is the leading drug abused by the people (Satzewich & Wotherspoon, 2002). Males form the high population of the people using substances, although this does not exclude women, who also report a high level of substance use. In addition, smoking is very prevalent among the First Nation’s people, with pregnant women indulging in the habit posing serious health risks to the child. Other statistics indicate that two thirds of the population indulges in smoking compared to lesser statistics in the rest of the Canadian society. Previous understanding of addiction Many researchers have attributed addiction, which is the term used to denote the compulsive urge to use drugs to the molecular structure of the substances used. For example, nicotine in tobacco, marijuana, cocaine, and alcohol contain certain compounds that trigger addiction. Many studies have been carried out with the aim of demonstrating how the molecular structure of these substances has contributed to addiction (Dube et al, 2002). Many of the other theories surround the availability of drugs in the society as well as peer pressure. Only a few studies have sought to establish the roots of substance abuse. As the sections below will indicate, the cause of addiction may lie deeper into the societal make-up and the experience of individuals in the society. Causes of adverse Childhood Experiences and Multigenerational Trauma This is kind of trauma that transcends different generations, emanating from the family or

Purchasing and supply management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Purchasing and supply management - Essay Example purchasing. After 6 months, she faced a genuine problem in discharging her duties. One of the highest paid senior most medical staff and substantial revenue generator Dr. Spiller, almost negotiated and finalized an X-ray processor with New Age regional manager Mr. Jarvis. After finalizing the product and rate and he only called Rose silver to place a final order to purchase the X-ray processor from New Age. Now being in-charge of purchase, Rose tried to explain the things but he is not willing to listen her views at all. He was just explaining to Rose that the firm and person, whom he has finalized is the right company /person and only the said supplier will be able to supply the product as well as it’s a right kind of product. He even told Rose that companies (Supplier) regional manager Mr. Jarvis assured him that all the details has been taken care of by himself. Now Rose Silver is facing a kind of situation in which she could not use her expertise in the interest of hospita l as well as she could not be able to discharge her responsibilities properly. Dr. Spiller had tried to bully her. Now she is in dilemma about her future course of actions. Discussions: (1) Lysons (2000, P.1) defines purchasing as: â€Å"Purchasing is the function responsible for obtaining by purchase, lease or other legal means, equipment, materials, components, suppliers and services required by an undertaking for use in production or resale†. Organizational purchasing decisions are therefore far more significant in today’s competitive situation and can play a significant part in determining company’s profitability. Purchasing is critical when it represents such a large proportion of the cost. Purchasing activities involves buying decisions to ensure that the right goods are in the right place, at the right time, at a right price, at the right quality and at the right quantity. Information is an important resource to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Role of the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Essay - 1

Role of the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) - Essay Example In a nutshell, it can be concluded that a family nurse practitioner is any nurse specially trained to work with patients of all ages to manage their conditions and must be in possession of a FNP certification (Lugo, O’Gradey, Hodnicki & Hanson, 2007). Entry requirements for one to practice as a family nurse practitioner vary from state to state although some requirements have become basic. Generally, a family nurse practitioner is currently required to possess a minimum of a master’s degree in addition to a post-master’s qualifications as cited by Lesley (2007). Additionally, one is also required to possess a national certification from either the American Nurses Credentialing Center or the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners before being allowed to practice as a family nurse practitioner. Lugo (2007) further explain that this scenario is poised to change because the two bodies are planning to require a doctoral degree in future as the minimum a candidate should present to qualify for the certification test. This will be in addition to the inclusion of a special language at a master’s degree level by some states. In comparing the role of family nurse practitioner with that of family practice physician (FPP), it is noticed that the two register more similarities than differences. From the outset, both are trained to provide continuing and comprehensive health care to each member of the family encompassing all ages regardless of gender and type of problem (Lugo et. al, 2007). Similarly, both roles involve education and training in family practice and operation in a variety of nontraditional settings. Moreover, family physicians may be a good choice for those who do not want to do a lot of procedures or surgeries as opposed to other practitioners. This may allow family physicians to enjoy a more predictable schedule and better quality of life than some other specialists who have to be more available

Purchasing and supply management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Purchasing and supply management - Essay Example purchasing. After 6 months, she faced a genuine problem in discharging her duties. One of the highest paid senior most medical staff and substantial revenue generator Dr. Spiller, almost negotiated and finalized an X-ray processor with New Age regional manager Mr. Jarvis. After finalizing the product and rate and he only called Rose silver to place a final order to purchase the X-ray processor from New Age. Now being in-charge of purchase, Rose tried to explain the things but he is not willing to listen her views at all. He was just explaining to Rose that the firm and person, whom he has finalized is the right company /person and only the said supplier will be able to supply the product as well as it’s a right kind of product. He even told Rose that companies (Supplier) regional manager Mr. Jarvis assured him that all the details has been taken care of by himself. Now Rose Silver is facing a kind of situation in which she could not use her expertise in the interest of hospita l as well as she could not be able to discharge her responsibilities properly. Dr. Spiller had tried to bully her. Now she is in dilemma about her future course of actions. Discussions: (1) Lysons (2000, P.1) defines purchasing as: â€Å"Purchasing is the function responsible for obtaining by purchase, lease or other legal means, equipment, materials, components, suppliers and services required by an undertaking for use in production or resale†. Organizational purchasing decisions are therefore far more significant in today’s competitive situation and can play a significant part in determining company’s profitability. Purchasing is critical when it represents such a large proportion of the cost. Purchasing activities involves buying decisions to ensure that the right goods are in the right place, at the right time, at a right price, at the right quality and at the right quantity. Information is an important resource to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Constraints of literacy in developing countries Essay Example for Free

Constraints of literacy in developing countries Essay Poverty and illiteracy go hand in hand. Majority of the illiterate women live in countries with increasing economic difficulties and enormous debt burdens. The existence of multiple causes such as discrimination and deprivation against the female population is easily revealed (E. Malmaquist, 1992:19-20). Two hypothesis (1) barriers and (2) effects are constraints of literacy. Both will be examined and broken down for better understanding as to why they correlate with education to affect womens development.coge ger segegew orge gek inge foge ge. Several barriers reveal important patterns and trends in womens education in developing countries[1]. Each indicators leads to the same conclusions: the level of female education is low in the poorest countries, with just a handful of exceptions and by any measure the gender gap is largest in these countries.[2]cogg ggr seggggw orgg ggk ingg fogg gg.  Literacy Ratescoef efr seefefw oref efk inef foef ef. Literacy is one of the principal goals of education around the world. The ability to read and write is considered almost a basic human right. Yet low literacy rates prevail among women in many developing countries a staggering figure of twenty percent for female adult literacy rate (E. King, etal, 1997: 2). According to Malmquist (1992) women often face practical barriers to their participation in literacy programmes[3] (19). One must realize that even though literacy is not the only means to development it should be considered an essential instrument in the right direction to growth potential (25). This work from In Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Nepal, Somalia and Sudan, fewer than ten percent of women are literate, while male literacy rate is not so low. The percentages of men who are literate are three to four times larger. Among other countries the gender gap is noticeable large: Libya 30%, China 38%, Zaire 26%, Botswana 21% and Turkey 23%.[4]coge ger segegew orge gek inge foge ge. Obstacles to literacy  Womens place is in the home. Subsequently, we have heard this phrase many times over. In several developing countries, this saying is true for while the men folk are away from the home, the women take over the mens work while attending to their customary chores. On their shoulder lie the responsibilities of the household, children and the work of the fields. Even though men work from sunrise to sunset, a womans work is never done. Many women rise at four or five oclock in the morning with a lot of chores to be completed before day is done. [5]coca car secacaw orca cak inca foca ca: Frequently a woman covers long distance carrying wood, water and farm products (K. Chlebowska, 1990: 83). It is no wonder these women have no opportunity in pursuing an education that will enable them in their developmental process if they have no time for the betterment of themselves.coca car secacaw orca cak inca foca ca; Educationcoaf afr seafafw oraf afk inaf foaf af;  According to Chlebowska, in 1985 some 130 million children[6] eighty percent of who were girls did not attend school. Insufficient numbers attending school, dropout and absenteeism are variables of the education of girls. Distance from school is one of several obstacles to school attendance. In rural areas where transport facilities are limited, parents hesitate to send their daughters to a remote school outside villages or homes. If transport exists they are not free and parent who are poor must either abandon schooling or make a choice, which is always the determinant of the girl staying at home (K. Chlebowska, 1990: 72). sabir4u, please do not redistribute this project. We work very hard to create this website, and we trust our visitors to respect it for the good of other students. Please, do not circulate this project elsewhere on the internet. Anybody found doing so will be permanently banned. School dropout is more frequent amongst girls. Also engagement, marriage and motherhood contribute to school dropout. The percentage of girls in primary schools in developing countries is lower than that of boys. A case in point is in Africa in1987 the rate of enrolment of boys aged 6 to 11 was 69% and that of girls only 56% for the same age group. In Asia 77% boys attended school while 59% girls did not (73). sabir4u, please do not redistribute this paper. We work very hard to create this website, and we trust our visitors to respect it for the good of other students. Please, do not circulate this paper elsewhere on the internet. Anybody found doing so will be permanently banned. In summing one can ascertain that under-attendance of girls at school attributes to less being able to neither read nor write. The reasons are that many of these girls live in rural areas and are generally poor. Parents do not see the attendance of their daughters in school a necessity and not essential when there are household chores to be performed, which in the eyes of mothers and grandparents are more important than education, whereas it is for boys as they turn out to become heads of the households (K. Chlebowska, 1990: 74).coec ecr seececw orec eck inec foec ec; As we have observed there are constraints put into place, which affect womens literacy in developing countries. Subsequently, it is more difficult for women and girls to acquire an education while boys are given more of an opportunity to do so. As a result, due to this kind of restriction on women the manifestation of gender-gap has astronomical influence that is irreparable.codb dbr sedbdbw ordb dbk indb fodb db.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Principles of Management in McDonalds

Principles of Management in McDonalds McDonalds is the largest and most well known global foodservice retailer, which was founded in 1955 by Ray Kroc; head quarter in Oak Brook, Illinois, US. McDonalds has more than 32.000 restaurants (19% operated by the Company and 81% of restaurants operated by franchised restaurants) in 117 countries, serving more than 60 millions people each day (McDonalds, 2009). Recently, many of Vietnamese people still think that fast food services are small business that are not worth to do business. After studying McDonalds, my point of views about fast food industry have been changed considerably. Serving fast foods only, McDonalds receives annually almost 23 billions USD, that is equal about 27% of GDP or 71% total revenues of all types of services of Vietnam on 2009 (Vietnam General Statistic Office, 2009) and McDonalds ranks 153 biggest companies in the world (Forber, 2010). This study aims to analyze management of the Company in the past few years and strategy in the next decade, which help us to understand the reasons that lead McDonalds to the success. 1. Core business 1.1. The main products and services The products of McDonalds are fast foods of wide range of choices, such as: hamburgers, chicken, french fries, soft drinks, coffee, milkshakes, salads, deserts and breakfast with varies of famous in the world brands (Big Mac, Quarter Pounder with Cheese, Filet-O-Fish, Chicken McNuggets, Chicken Selects, Snack Wraps, McFlurry, McCafe) which meet requirement of customers of different ages. McDonalds fast foods have became necessary daily foods for the numbers of people not only in the US but in other countries also. Therefore, McDonalds brand name became so popular, that many investors in the world willing to deal with McDonalds to open restaurant under franchised agreement 1.2. Business generates the most revenue McDonalds revenues mainly come from its own restaurants and from restaurants operated by franchisees. In accordance with the McDonalds Corporation Annual Report 2007, 2008, 2009, revenues of the Company in 2007, 2008 and 2009 are 22.8 billions USD, 23.5 billions USD and 22.75 billions USD respectively. Most of Companys revenues come from the restaurants operated by the Company, which has percentage in 2007, 2008 and 2009 are 73%, 70% and 68% respectively; the rest of revenue are from franchised restaurants. Obviously, the percentage of revenue of Companys operated restaurants has been decreased while percentage of revenue of franchised restaurants increased (McDonalds, 2009). Source: McDonalds Corporation Annual Report 2009 1.3. Business generates the most profit In 2007, 2008 and 2009, consolidated net incomes of Company are 2,395, 4,313 and 4,551 millions respectively. In accordance with McDonalds Corporation annual Report 2009, the most profit of the McDonalds has been generated by franchised restaurants, which in 2007, 2008, 2009 holds about 64%, 65%, 66% of the total profit of the Company respectively. The second place of profit has been generated by restaurants operated by the Company (McDonalds, 2009). Franchised margins Franchised margin dollars represent revenues from franchised restaurants less Companys occupancy costs (rent and depreciation) associated with those sites. Franchised margin dollars increased $254 millions of 4% (7% in constant currencies) in 2009 and $695 millions or 14% (11% in constant currencies) in 2008. The franchising strategy contributed to grow in franchised margin dollars in 2009, 2008 and 2007 (McDonalds, 2009). Company-operated margins Company-operated margin represent sales by Company-operated restaurants less the operating costs of these restaurants. Company-operated margin dollars decreased $101 millions or 3% (increased 3% in constant currencies) in 2008. Company-operated margin dollars were negatively impacted by this transaction in 2008 and 2007 and by the enfranchising strategy in 2009 and 2008 (McDonalds, 2009). Source: McDonalds Corporation Annual Report 2009 1.4. Business will drive growth in the next decade In order to keep sustainable growth in the next decade, for the last few years, McDonalds has differentiated the brand and enhanced efficiency of investment in expansion of restaurants chain in the world, mainly in the type of franchised restaurants. In accordance with McDonalds annual Report 2009 and report of Jim Skinner (2009) To our valued shareholder: To state the obviuos, 2009 was a tumultuous year economically, these strategies will continue drive growth in the next decade. Regarding to the strategy of differentiation of products, due to criticism in the society to McDonalds fast foods as the cause to obesity, McDonalds has launched new lines of products, which contain low fat, low calories or more fruit and vegetable, healthy alternative for the customers, which have been in great success for the last few years with some famous brands, such as: Fremium Fiesta Salad, New mans Own Low Fat Balsamic Vinargrette These types of foods will be developed in the next decade. Regarding to efficiency of investment, McDonalds will concentrate into expansion of restaurants in the world, mainly in the type of franchised restaurant, which have many advantages compare with restaurants operated by Company type. 1.5. How successful would you say this company has been since 2007? Cumulative total shareholder returns from 2007 to 2009 has been increased, higher than average of that of SP 500 index and Dow Jones Industrials (McDonalds, 2009). Net income is increased. Source: McDonalds Corporation Annual Report 2009 At the result of implementation of strategy Plan to Win, income and dividends were increased during period from 2007 to 2009, while revenue has been decreased. The number of restaurants operated by the Company decreased from 6,906 in 2007 to 6,262 in 2009, while franchised restaurants is increased from 24,471 in 2007 to 26,216 in 2009 (McDonalds, 2009) 2. Corporate Responsibility In accordance with the commitment to social responsibility, McDonalds focuses primarily on animal welfare, education, environment, people, quality, safety and Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC). Regarding to the animal welfare, McDonalds recognizes that its responsibility as purchaser of food products includes working with their suppliers to ensure good animal handling practices. Thus, it buys all its beef, fork and poultry products from suppliers who maintain the highest standards and share McDonalds commitment to animal welfare. Regarding to the education, McDonalds mould the future of the society and therefore, is committed to the education of the youths. Thus, they support school-age employees in their reaching of educational goals. Regarding to the people, McDonalds recognizes the importance of the employees, who is driving force to the Companys success. So, McDonalds is committed to creating an environment that value and respects their employees, recognizes and rewards their performance, as well as providing them with meaningful growth opportunities. Regarding to the quality and safety, McDonalds has set strictly enforcing high-quality and safety standards often exceeding those standards established by industry and governments, quality and safety are the most important items on McDonalds menu of success, because they give customer confidence to McDonalds. Regarding to the Ronald McDonalds House Charity (RMHC), McDonalds supports RMHC by providing free goods and services, covering 100 percent of management and general costs for RMHCs global office. Therein, RMHC works to improve the health and well-being of children by awarding grants to organizations and supporting 206 RMHC worldwide. Recently, McDonalds has many CSR initiatives; and these seem to focus mainly on the areas in which they ware accused. For example, on allegations of rainforest deforestation, McDonalds response was CSR initiatives in the field of environment. Where they were being accused of bad working conditions, they responded that McDonalds has been a leader in setting and strictly enforcing high-quality and safety standards often exceeding those standards established by industry and governments and contributing to this cause. Fortune Magazine has even ranked McDonalds as one of the most admired socially responsible company. 3. Crisis management McDonalds manages to overcome the crisis occurred for the last few years, such as: CSR case (McLibel trial) and economical crisis from 2008-2009. From the case McLibel In the middle of 1980s London Greenpeace began a campaign focusing on McDonalds as a high profile organization, symbolizing everything they considered wrong with prevailing corporate mentality. In 1986 London Greenpeace produced a 6-sided fact sheet called Whats wrong With McDonalds? Everything they dont want you to know, which accused McDonalds of exploiting children with advertising, promoting an unhealthy diet, exploiting their staff and being responsible for environmental damage and ill treatment of animals. In 1990, McDonalds served libel writs against the five activists who came up with the Whats wrong With McDonalds leaflet. Three of the five activists took the former suggestion, while Dave and Helen chose the former. On 28th June 1994, the McLibel trial began and the verdict was announced on 19th June 1997 in favour of McDonalds, which stated that Helen and Dave had not proved the allegations against McDonalds on rainforest deforestation, heart disease and cancer, food poison ing, starvation in the Third world and bad working conditions. However, they had proved that McDonalds exploited children with their advertising, falsely advise their food as nutritious, risk the health of their most popular, long term customers, are culpabably responsible for cruelty to animals, are strongly antipathetic to unions and pay their workers low wages. Justice Bell ruled that Helen and Dave had libelled McDonalds, but because they had proven many of allegation true, they would only pay half of the claimed damages, that was à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤60.000. However, both Dave and Helens litigation fee and the damages had to pay were donated by the public. Recently, McDonalds has many CSR initiatives; and these seem to focus mainly on the areas in which they ware accused, such as through animal welfare, education, environment, people, quality and safety and Ronald McDonalds House Charity (RMHC), McDonalds has tried to do a lot of good to the community. Economical crisis from 2008-2009 During economic crisis from 2008-2009, the prices on energy, foods and commodities were high, financial market was frozen, rate of GDP of almost countries were low, high rate of unemployment, many companies in fast-food industry suffered loses, such as income have been turned down. However, during this period, McDonalds took necessary measure to stabilize the business, on this, keep relationship with the suppliers to ensure the continuous supply of necessary ingredients for its foods at the reasonable price. Therefore, the prices on foods were stable, revenue was increased, income growled up. In fact, McDonalds net income in 2008 were 4,313 billions and was 4551 billions in 2009. 4. Strategy What markets has it forced on? Over the past few years, McDonalds has focused on the emerging markets, such as China and Russia, where the rate of growth has been highest in the world, even in the time of economic downturn during 2008-2009, the revenue of McDonalds in China increased almost 16% annually, while in the same period, in US and in Europe the rate of growth decreased. Till now, China is the fastest market of McDonalds, where McDonalds operates 1.100 restaurants and plans to increase the number of its restaurants in China to 2.000 by 2013. What are the core strengths? Brand name McDonalds with Golden Arches logo have became the symbol of retail of low cost fast foods among the people, therefore McDonalds products are the first choice of customers in the market of fast foods services. Process management have been established providing business activities efficiency helped secure the quality of products and reduce the cost, which can compete with other fast food companies. Managements staffs, employees of McDonalds are high qualified, quick respond to the changing of the market (products and service innovation, remodelling of restaurants, improvement of technology, management). McDonalds economy scale and bargaining power dominance provide advantages in supplying of raw material (at low costs), that contribute to reduce the price on products lower than competitors. Would you describe the company as innovative? McDonalds is a innovative company because of the following activities: + From 1973, McDonalds was the first company in the world to provide customers with nutrition about the products its offers. + In order to meet requirement of customers to avoid obesity, McDonalds created new line of low fat products, in this Salad is one of the successful low fat bands. + In recent years, McDonalds has turned to new line of products, which are innovative and trendy, such as: coffee and beverage products with brand names McGriddle, Snack Wrap, premium coffee (take market share from Starbucks), Strawberry-banana and Wild berry (take market share from the fruity beverage sector). 5. Vision, Goals and how does it motivate its employees? 5.1. McDonalds mission statement In every stage of development of the Company, the mission of the Company has been changed to meet new goal and adapt trend of the market, and at present, McDonalds brand mission is to be our customers favourite place and way to eat. To implement the mission, Company has reinvented global strategy which called the Plan to Win, which identifies five core drivers that are: people, products, place, price and promotion. 5.2. What are its goals? As stated Jim Skimmer, Vice Chairman and CEO in annual report in 2009, the goals of the Company are improving the overall experience for customers of the Company. In accordance with report of Andy McKenna, Chairman in annual report in 2009, the goal of the Company are elevation of industry leadership of the Company, enhancing long term profitable growth, providing relevant offerings and supporting balanced lifestyles all contribute to the Companys continued success. 5.3. How does it motivate its employees? McDonalds recognizes the importance of the employees, who is driving force to the Companys success. Therefore, McDonalds has taken necessary measures, such as: create good conditions for working, living, studying and promotion. For example, September 2006, McDonalds Europe introduced the McPassport program, designed to help employees move and work in other McDonalds restaurants across Europe with relative ease. McDonalds Singapores vision, Every crew member can be a manager. McDonalds offers a unique training opportunity through the McDonalds University Accredited Programme. McDonalds builds a caring, warm community for employees, offers a variety of programs that franchised and company-operated restaurant employees can participate in to grow and develop, both personally and professionally. Healthcare options for McDonalds restaurant employees. 6. Would you like to work for this company and why? Studying McDonalds I would like to work for McDonalds for the following reasons: McDonalds is a qualified company managed by intellectual management teams, which has continuous developed with high rate and high profits. Therefore, McDonalds will secure the job for the long term. McDonalds encourages people to work creative. McDonalds provides good working conditions, social benefits, having a chance to education and of promotion.   The company follow CSR initiatives. 7. Summary McDonalds, with limited of fast-food menu, has served 60 million in almost 120 countries in the world every day and became the biggest company in the food industry and a one of 200 biggest companies in the world. The success of the McDonalds has shown the sample of efficiency management of MacDonalds Board of Management and Directory, which are: strategy in motivation of people, innovation of product, CSR initiatives, creation in management. Although in its history of foundation and development, there were difficulties, but McDonalds has overcame and adjusted these in time contributed in its development. At present, McDonalds still faces many difficulties, such as there are different campaign against McDonalds in advertising towards to children, or accuse its products effect obesity, but I think McDonalds will take necessary measures to overcame this difficulties.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Professor Vivian Bearing vs John Donne in the Play Wit by Margaret Edso

Is it possible to misunderstand something, yet still be guided toward its claims? Is it possible for something that ultimately has the greatest impact on your life to be unnoticed until the last possible moment? In most cases, a true revelation does not present itself until later in a person’s life. In the play Wit, by Margaret Edson, the character of Professor Vivian Bearing reaches a profound realization concerning one of the great impacts in her own life. Vivian, self-proclaimed intellectual and widely-feared professor, essentially devotes her life to the works of John Donne, a renowned metaphysical poet. She tirelessly prides herself on her exceptional skills and experience with analyzing Donne’s works, even in the midst of being diagnosed and treated for ovarian cancer. During her stay in the hospital, Vivian unwillingly sees that her lifetime analysis in Donne’s writings has only scratched the surface in comparison to the truth that she discovers in the last hours of her life. For the first time, she is able to personally relate to the speaker in the sonnets that she was supposedly so familiar with. In poetic terms, â€Å"wit† means the development of a metaphysical conceit. It is an insightful use of analogy, metaphor or inventive joining of dissimilar images to make a point in a poem. In these regards, this play has been appropriately titled. John Donne, whose Holy Sonnets make numerous appearances in the play, uses his metaphysical poetry to spark unrest, debate, and controversy. He himself wrestles with questions about faith, God’s mercy and judgment, human mortality, sin, damnation, absolution, and salvation. The Holy Sonnets are the product of doubter, one who has not yet found inner peace. This realization i... ...s a moment when she starts to see the true meaning but doesn’t want to accept it at first, which is evident from the groaning and â€Å"hiding.† However, at the end of the play and the end of her life, Vivian is ready to accept this truth that she herself is living out the same life as the speakers in Donne’s poems and begins â€Å"reaching for the light –â€Å" (Edson 66). Works Cited Donne, John. â€Å"Holy Sonnet 5, Holy Sonnet 6, Holy Sonnet 10.† John Donne’s Poetry: A Norton Critical Edition.†¨Ed. Donald R. Dickson. W.W. Norton & Company. New York, London. 2004. (Handout) Donne, John. â€Å"Hymn to God, my God, in My Sickness.† Poems of John Donne. vol I. E. K. Chambers, ed. London: Lawrence & Bullen, 1896. 211-212. Edson, Margaret. Wit. MCC Theater: New York City, NY, 1999 Gardner, Helen, ed. The Metaphysical Poets. London: Penguin, 1985.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Free College Admissions Essay :: College Admissions Essays

College Admissions: Essay for Stanford    As the beast ran rampant through the streets, I couldn't help but wonder if my work had been for naught. Trying to salvage any remains, I chased my dog from the room and stared at the havoc left in his wake. The city lay in ruins; the buildings were razed. The prospect of beginning from scratch was ponderous, but I instantly welcomed the challenge. With patience and determination, I began returning the small plastic bricks into their former glory; and then greater glory. Block by block I rebuilt my cities and block-by-block they built me. From these Legos I learned valuable lessons in versatility, creativity, and tenacity.    The sheer vastness of possibilities that Legos present is both intimidating and exhilarating. The colorful blocks lay strewn about in no particular pattern and no particular order. From this chaos virtually anything can be created. As a child I gradually learned not to be intimidated by the endless possibilities but to embrace them, to relish the opportunity to create something from nothing.    A preschool teacher recommended holding me back one year. Because I preferred the challenge of Legos to running about with the other children on the playground, she believed that I was socially and psychologically unprepared for school. Little did she realize that the creativity these blocks taught me became a cornerstone for the rest of my life. The seemingly insurmountable challenges gave me confidence and taught me to value cooperation. Watching my Lego edifices grow slowly but surely skyward taught me patience. Watching them fall again taught me the tenacity to continue onwards. Remembering how each task was created piece by piece allowed me to, line by line, memorize the works of history's greatest playwrights. I was able to join MEChA and help lead the Latino community as co-president, arranging events with our two hundred members. My organizational skills were further utilized as the commissioner of elections. Legos also taught me to help others and to ask for their help. I realized that with the creativity another person at my disposal, we could build things we had never even dreamed of on our own. During my senior year of High School I was introduced to crew. I was enthralled by the rhythmic grace of the sport. My dreams soon had me breathing the early morning air nearly flying over the surface of the water.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Benihana Case Study and Notes on Deep Change

Case Study Component: Benihana of Tokyo 1. What are the differences between the Benihana production process and that of a typical restaurant? Benihana focuses on creating a dining experience that is not just about the food and service as most other restaurants do. Benihana emphasizes customer entertainment whereas when you eat at a typical restaurant you and your family, friend, or partner have to create your own entertainment. By using the hibachi table where chefs make the food right in front of you, Benihana puts on a show for their customers.The interior design and the vibe of the restaurant makes the entire experience feel authentic and special for the customers 2. How does Benihana seat the maximum number of customers? By designing the restaurant’s floorplan in a strategic way, Benihana is able to maximize the usage of each square foot. Benihana decided to take away employee space and use it to create more space for tables. This employee space includes creating an effici ently smaller kitchen as well as the employee pass-through, back room, and bathrooms. 3.How does peak-time differ from non-peak-time? At non-peak time hours, customers are given more time and comfort to be able to enjoy their meals and dining experience at the restaurant. At the peak-time hours, Benihana employees focus very intensely on having quick table turnover to maximize the number of customers they can get. For peak-time hours usually customers are there for around 45 minutes whereas during non-peak time hours customers are usually there for around 90 minutes. 4. What is the role of â€Å"entertainment† in the restaurant?As mentioned before, Benihana places a great emphasis on entertainment unlike most other restaurants. When customers come to Benihana they are paying for the experience and for their entertainment value. Entertainment is central to Benihana’s business model because it is one of the biggest reasons for why customers come to their restaurant. Deep Change: How Operational Innovation Can Transform Your Company. a) If operational innovation is so beneficial, why don’t more companies adopt it?Operational innovation is very beneficial but companies have to weigh the benefits and costs of changing their operations. Companies also need to consider whether these benefits are short-term or long-term benefits and whether it fits well in their business model. New technology and innovation does not always prove to be a good idea hence why many companies see it as a large risk. Another problem that companies face with operational innovation is finding someone who will tackle the challenge of bringing it into the workplace, properly installing it, and teaching all the other employees how to use it.A lot of people at the high management levels often do not see the need for operational innovation if things are already smooth and steady so they often overlook a potential future need for operational innovation. It is a big organization al change which requires a lot of time and more often than not, people are not very willing to change the way they work especially if it requires time and effort to learn how to use it. b) How can firms accelerate operational innovation? Companies should look at other role model companies within their industry.They can see how operational innovation has worked for them and see how it can be incorporated into the company. Firms need to also understand and identify what they want to be and what their goal or vision is for the company. By doing this, firms are able to see if certain operational innovation will allow them to reach their goal. Companies also need to identify and defy a constraining assumption because every operational innovation â€Å"defies an assumption about how work should be done. If the company carefully chooses an operational innovation and implements it into their company properly, the operations of the company will be transformed for the better, especially in t he long-term. c) Does operational innovation provide a sustainable competitive advantage? If the innovation is unique and efficient, it will provide the company with a sustainable competitive advantage. However, if a company steals the innovation from another competitor, it may help them compete even more intensely but it does not mean that it is a sustainable competitive advantage.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Role Of Health Care Organizations Health And Social Care Essay

Health Care Organizations. The function of wellness attention organisations is really of import in the overall wellness scenario of United States. Health attention organisations are dedicated to supply comprehensive wellness services to the patients. These wellness attention organisations provide the services of doctors, nurses, research labs etc. for the patient. However, it has been forecasted by many economic analysts that the wellness disbursals in United States will see a uninterrupted rush due to the deteriorating economic conditions and the increasing figure of uninsured people. This has compelled the infirmaries and other health care supplying units to restrict their disbursals to such an extent that every citizen, conditions holding medical insurance or non, will hold the entree to quality health care. The restrain of disbursals besides affects the staffing of infirmaries and most of the infirmaries follow the scheme of understaffing of their paramedical staff ( Aiken et al. , 2002 ; Unruh, 2003 ) . The authorities of United States in order to supply greater alleviation and convenience to little concerns in the state is hungering programs and explicating policies to supply them wellness insurances which will cover up to 35 % of a company ‘s insurance premiums. With the offering of insurance increasing up to 59 % this twelvemonth the White House anticipates that over 4 million people will be able to take advantage of this agreeableness. Furthermore the authorities intends to supply full revenue enhancement recognition will be provided to employers who have work force of less than 10 employees who earn less than $ 25,000 per annum. In add-on to this the disposal is besides looking frontward towards the retainment of grandfathered wellness insurance programs as it will supply employers the unsusceptibility from certain cardinal outgos. However on the impudent side little business communities and National Federation of Independent Business has already created an confederation to oppose and turn over the jurisprudence which they claim does non supply them equal alleviation and convenience. Most of them say that the eligibility standards outlined by the authorities is so narrow that many employees will merely be barred from these insurance commissariats. Many people have started traveling towards cheaper insurance programs through which their monthly insurance premium payments will cut down. Already 20 provinces have joined custodies to oppose the jurisprudence that the Obama disposal intends to proclaim. Experts besides suggest that preparation of such Torahs will work adversely for the Democrats in the approaching midterm elections as it provides a comprehendible manifestation of their incompetency and indifference towards an built-in sector of the state. Forces of alteration in US Health attention system The wellness attention state of affairs of United States of America is altering at a rapid gait. Several tendencies combined over the last few decennaries to make greater wellness attention unfairnesss. Both Medicaid and Medicare, for illustration, contributed to aggressively lifting medical costs because they required province authoritiess to reimburse infirmaries and doctors at ‘reasonable ‘ degrees determined by wellness attention suppliers. Predictably, reimbursement was really generous and disbursals grew rapidly. Such skyrocketing medical costs, combined with the general lethargy of the economic system put wellness attention out of range for many Americans. The loss of 1000000s of occupations during the recent economic meltdown added to the turning figure of people without medical insurance. The staying occupations ‘ progressively nonunion, portion clip places in the services sector ‘ offered few, if any wellness benefits. The promotion and invention of engineering in the field of medical scientific discipline has confirmed huge blessings on world. New medical specialties emerged mundane to extenuate a figure of diseases. Pharmaceutical and biomedical companies work indefatigably to develop medical specialties for such diseases, which considered as incurable in the past like Cancer ( Vastag, 1998 ) . United States is one of the most medically advanced states of the universe. Anybody who can afford or hold the proper health care coverage has entree to the best available medical engineering ( Bodenheimer, 2006 ) . Translating new engineering into pattern resulted greater per capita health care outgo ( Bodenheimer, 2005 ) . Thus engineering and invention in the medical field is an of import ground for wellness attention outgo ( Cutler & A ; McClellan, 2001 ) . Harmonizing to the US Bureau of the Census, the fastest turning section of the population in 1990 was grownups and seniors. In the twelvemonth 2000, 36 per centum of the population of the United States was over 45 old ages old, as compared to 30.8 per centum in this class in 1980. Alternatively of being youth-oriented in the hereafter, the United States will go a senior orientated civilization. Health disbursals of a individual increases as his or her age additions. However, experts believe that the factor of aging population contributes really small in the addition of wellness attention outgo ( Orszag, 2008 ) . Harmonizing to the informations provided by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) , in the twelvemonth 2003 United States spends about 7.3 per centum of its entire wellness attention outgo on administrative and insurance costs as compared to Canada which spends merely 2.6 % on administrative and insurance costs ( Schoen & A ; How, 2003 ) . Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ( CMS ) have besides performed some surveies which show that United States administrative cost for wellness insurance was 14.3 % of its entire wellness attention outgo in 2005 ( Centers for Medicare & A ; Medicaid Services, 2005 ) . Although the alteration of US healthcare scene is non confined to these factors merely but they are some of the major subscribers for the continuously altering healthcare scene. Need for Health and Well Program The first inquiry that pops in head before planing a wellness and health plan for a private corporation is to understand the necessity due to which such a plan is being incepted. By inventing the demand and grounds for the plan any corporation can measure the full issue in greater item and penetration. Furthermore different complications that can be encountered during the class of the full plan can be analyzed in progress and prior to the launching of the plan and out of all these outstanding characteristics it is most of import to happen out a valid ground which can legalize and warrant the demand of such a plan. There are really two dimensions through which we can happen a rational account for such wellness and health plans. The grounds can be biological every bit good as accommodate commercial involvements. Biological grounds include the inauspicious effects of work overload on employee wellness which has become a prima cause of decease for people who develop marks and symptoms of diseases like malignant neoplastic disease, bosom onslaught and shot. Due to work emphasis and huge burden many employees in their several corporations besides develop the wont of smoke. Harmonizing to statistics that were published in 2004 edition of American Medical Journal it was estimated that smoking in the twelvemonth 2000 killed over 435,000 which surged from 400,000 in the twelvemonth 1990. Most of the victims of smoking included people from different corporations who engaged in this harmful and deadly wont due to the work load that they encountered in their corporations. Another really major ground which farther aggravated the demand of wellness plans from organisations included the increasing rate of fleshiness threat. One of the grounds that were held accountable for fleshiness included deficiency of physical activity and vigorous exercising since most of the clip in organisations is spend in forepart of computing machines either making office work or playing video games on computing machine systems. ( Nichols, 2007 ) In add-on to this the quickly progressively and booming concern of fast nutrient ironss through which people can easy buy and entree nutrient has besides proved as an effectual barrier in lending any benefit to their already anaemic province of wellness. It is a clearly understood that a squad of people who is excessively careworn and fatigued to transport his or her ain weight can non perchance afford or manage the duties and load of the work that his or her corporation provides him with and the progressively competitory environment of modern-day corporate industry does non let any topographic point to employees who can non get the better of their weariness or fleshiness syndrome. This really ground links itself to the fact where organisations in the aftermath of researching their corporate societal duties launch plans that cater to the wellness and health of their employees under organisational conditions. Organizations and different corporations in the thick of detecting a new component of marketing through the CSR factor provided their employees with the inducement of originating wellness and health plans for them through which they were successfully able to heighten their degree of trust and repute among their employees and besides boosted their public dealingss by supplying a wholly new run in order to elate their image in forepart of people. Hence the corporate involvements of employees every bit good as of employers led to the origin of the wellness and health plans at an organisational degree. ( Health and Wellness, 2010 ) Current jobs and fiscal defects in the US wellness system United States Health attention plan helps the older and the hapless citizens of the United States. The authorities of United States spends about Eighteen per centum of its GDP in its Healthcare plan, which is highest as compared to the Health attention Systems of other states ( Danzon ) . It is besides to be noted that United States is the lone state, among the developed states, which have about 15 percent population without any medical coverage. Other developed states, on norm, spend 9 per centum of their GDP on wellness attention ( OECD, 2006 ) . Switzerland is at 2nd topographic point in wellness attention disbursement which is $ 4177 per individual. Other industrialised states are non passing more than $ 3200 per individual Unlike other postwar industrialized states, the United States has moved really easy toward comprehensive wellness attention for all citizens. In 1965, Congress established the Medicare plan to function the aged and handicapped, and Medicaid to assist the hapless and institutionalised. For the most portion, nevertheless, United States health care plan has dependent on nongovernmental plans. Peoples have had to happen their ain, private beginning of wellness attention. While this system suit our free-market economic theoretical account and has provided the universe ‘s finest medical intervention to insured patients, it has besides meant that a big figure of Americans have had hapless entree to wellness attention. Although United States is one of the states, which spends batch of money in health care but ‘the consequences are non evident either in Americans ‘ satisfaction with their wellness attention system or in their wellness. Consequences are unsatisfactory in infant endurance, the length and quality of life, and entree to wellness attention, peculiarly for hapless people, and communities of colour. The United States has met merely about 15 per centum of the aims set by Healthy People 2000. While advancement has been made toward the aims in another 44 per centum, Americans ‘ wellness has really deteriorated for approximately 20 per centum of the aims ( e.g. , fleshiness, physical activity, coffin nail usage among striplings ) ‘ ( NCHS 1997, p. 2 ) . United States has experienced steady addition in the wellness attention costs for the last 2 to 3 decennaries. In the decennary of 1980s, US expenditure on wellness attention was $ 253 billion which has increased to $ 714 billion in the decennary of 1990s. Soon, US health care outgo is more than $ 2.7 trillion ( Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2010 ) . US spend about $ 7, 681 per occupant which is about 18 per centum of the entire Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) of the state. It is expected that by the twelvemonth 2015 US wellness attention disbursement will make $ 4 trillion and sum to 20 % of the entire GDP The statistics have proved that 60 to 70 per centum of the entire wellness attention outgo of United States is consumed by the 10 per centum of the population. This 10 per centum of population which generates most wellness attention costs are either suffered from chronic disease, disabled or hapless. The undermentioned figure shows the five costliest wellness conditions that cost United States most out of pocket costs. Actually talking, United States does non supply a coherent patient-centered attention for the above mentioned minority group which is one the factors of overall addition in the wellness attention outgo ( Ayanian et. al. , 2000 ) . Harmonizing to the Institute of Medicine, the quality of attention is â€Å" the grade to which wellness services for persons and populations increase the likeliness of coveted wellness results and are consistent with current professional cognition ‘ ( Institute of Medicine, 1990 ) . But at the same clip this plan is besides blamed, ‘for the bounds of its range in supplying wellness insurance to the hapless, its ties to the public assistance system and image jobs, its fluctuations across States, and the financial loads imposed on Federal and State budgets as the plan has grown in range and disbursement ‘ ( Rowland, 1995 ; pg. 272 ) . United States wellness attention system, being a immense system, has besides established inefficiency which proves to be a barrier to the invention of this $ 2.7 trillion industry. This inefficiency, despite all the mechanization and technological inventions, consequences the loss of $ 300 billion, i.e. 15 cents per dollar spent on wellness attention The figure of uninsured is continuously lifting due to several factors. These uninsured people are really likely to populate without proper wellness coverage because of the turning load of wellness attention ( Institute of Medicine, 2002 ) . As consumers are fighting to get by with the mounting out-of-pocket liabilities, the suppliers are seeking to better their falling grosss by revamping their concern processes to diminish the turning bad debt and to better pull off the payments from the consumers. A common perceptual experience is that consumers are unwilling to pay for their wellness attention outgo. However, the study, conducted by McKinsey quarterly, suggested that consumers are normally willing to pay but the charge system inefficiencies, deficiency of funding options and consumer ‘s confusion are the chief grounds of non ‘ payment ( Finn, Pellathy and Singhal, 2009 ) . It is pertinent to province the position of Healthcare Financial Management Association, ‘ In many ways, the state ‘s current health care payment system blocks, instead than supports, the state ‘s wellness ends: The system does non efficaciously reward health or high quality. The system does non promote social benefit such as entree to care. And the system creates fiscal instability by adding cost and complexness to wellness disposal, by honoring high-cost patterns, and by concentrating on expensive sickness-focused intercessions instead than health. ‘ ( Healthcare Financial Management Association, 2008 ) . Stakeholders in Health attention organisation The uninterrupted alterations in the health care field have wholly changed the position of infirmaries and wellness attention organisations and they are now acted more like a concern venture than a societal service organisation ( Shortell, Morrison & A ; Robbins, 1985 ) . This new altering environment has compelled the disposal of wellness attention organisation to take all the concerns of the stakeholders earnestly and now stakeholders are act uponing the personal businesss of wellness attention organizations whether it belong to disposal, fiscal or quality attention issues ( Blair & A ; Fottler, 1990 ) . Although the stakeholders are the same for both non-profit-making and for net income wellness organisations ; however, their power and influence is different depending on the construction of the wellness attention organisation ( Kralewski, Gifford & A ; Porter, 1988 ) . Although there are legion groups of stakeholders, but harmonizing to a survey ( Fottler et al. , 1989 ) , the und ermentioned five are the most influential and powerful. 1. Medical Staff 2. Patients 3. Hospital Management 4. Professional Staff 5. Board of Trustees The penchants of all these stakeholders are different. Medical and Professional staff stress more on quality of wellness attention provided to the patients. Patients are besides concerned about the service and clinical quality but cost of the quality wellness attention is besides one of their major concerns. Hospital direction focuses on the leading, profitableness and cost containment of health care services. Board of legal guardians who have the reins of control of overall infirmary direction attention largely for the profitableness, regular watercourse of hard currency flow and effectual and efficient use of resources. The disposal and executives of wellness attention organisations normally formulate attempt to explicate a scheme which satisfy all the stakeholders because they have overlapping ends and involvements ( Counte, 1995 ) . Recommendation for how best wellness attention could be delivered 1. Determine the gross beginnings available for subsidising the wellness attention coverage farther with a end to cover all the Americans in wellness attention insurance cyberspace ; as all the above treatment show there are 1000000s of uninsured people in America which prove to be an tremendous load on the economic system of United States. There is a demand to cover as many people as possible under wellness attention insurance by mobilising the bing gross beginnings every bit good as by making new resources like taxing baccy, cresting the revenue enhancement exclusion of employer based wellness insurance etc. 2. Create, in order to pool hazards, insurances exchanges at province or regional footing. Such exchanges will be good for those Americans besides who do non take part in employer-based or other group insurance installations. 3. Establish a board with representation of all the stakeholders of wellness attention system. This board determines and updates the wellness attention benefit bundle of United States citizens through province or regional degree insurance exchanges. Challenges for infirmaries It has been estimated that mean cost of a trial is within the scope of $ 200 to $ 400, accompanied with the medical charges of the concerned physician which are $ 10 to $ 15 and if the status is much serious, which is a usual instance with chronic infections, the cost is above $ 300. It has been forecasted by many economic analysts that the wellness disbursals in United States will see a uninterrupted rush due to the deteriorating economic conditions which has sidelined companies to supply any sort of medical benefit to their employees, authorities institutional wellness reform programs is non deadening any fruit and private sector seems excessively intimidated to assure anything that in the long tally erodes its credibleness. Furthermore, the load of the 47 million uninsured people of the state is being sustained on the disbursal of the 253.4 million people that have medical insurance as disclosed by the statistics released by Census Bureau. Harmonizing to analysts the misdirection and the huge pandemonium occupying the wellness sector in the United States is chiefly an result of unprofessional behavior and a manifestation of utmost carelessness in the allotment of fiscal resources which has resulted in an instability between the end product and input being generated by the sector. At present the end product easy surpasses the input and if concrete stairss are non taken to decide the job, the ensuing effects will be badly inauspicious and irrevokable. Clinical attention of patients are become more and more ambitious with the transition of clip. At the same clip infirmaries face troubles in supplying quality wellness attention service in present economic status. In the twelvemonth 2000, harmonizing to American Hospital Association, 1 out of 3 infirmaries showed losingss, 58 % have negative borders on Medicare patients and 73 % reported loss in handling Medicaid patients ( American Hospital Association, 2002 ) . Doctor ‘s Organization Like others in concern, doctors must vie for paying patients. Doctors are no longer in short supply, except in urban slums and remote rural countries, and find themselves in a purchaser ‘s market. Besides they frequently enter pattern with medical school debts of 100s of 1000s of dollars. All this force per unit area conflicts with the doctor ‘s professional moralss to urge medical service to patients without seeking to maximum fees. Agreements with makers of medical merchandises and drugs may honor doctors for ordering or urging merchandises that are more expensive. Doctors might direct patient to wellness attention installations, such as research labs, convalescent places, in which they are fiscal involvement. The function and duty of doctor ‘s organisation is to set up, ‘Performance measures'if done right'have possible to measure physician public presentation, better the quality of patient attention, heighten the coordination and direction of attention, and reward doctors who meet or exceed the benchmarks set by public presentation steps. However, if applied in a bureaucratic, arbitrary, or punitory mode, public presentation measuring can impede quality and injury patient attention, undermine the physician'patient relationship, and cause physician defeat and calling dissatisfaction ‘ ( ACF, 2004 ) . In the new system, payments should depend on the efficient bringing of quality wellness attention services which leads towards the betterment of the overall status of the patients. Role of Nursing Organization Nurses provide attention, non merely for physical unwellness, but besides for emotional, mental, societal and religious jobs to guarantee the complete healing of the patient ( Donabedian, 1988 ) . In the last century nursing has made a phenomenal accomplishment that it has led to the acknowledgment of nursing as a profession and a separate educational subject. Contemporary nursing is now more meaningful and important because of theory-based pattern which shifted nursing ‘s focal point from career to an organized profession. It was research and theory together which produced nursing scientific discipline. Nursing theory fundamentally suggests that nursing should be given professional instruction during which they will analyze a aggregation of interrelated topics which will be applied in their pattern. The cognition may be derived from experimental acquisition or formal beginnings such as nursing beginnings or nursing research. Nursing is a scientific discipline affecting many pe ople environment and procedure in the context of health care. It is the duty of nursing organisation to guarantee that all wellness attention organisations may hold a sufficient PTN ratio. Overburdened nurses increase the chance of foetal mistake happening and diminish the labour cost economy. Statisticss revealed that traveling from 6:1 to 7:1 costs 1.4 extra lives lost per 1000 admittances. There are 38 million infirmary admittances per twelvemonth in the United States ( Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2002 ) , therefore, little addition in PTN ratio, i.e. 7:1 to 6:1, may ensue in significant figure of lives saved. Improvement in Clinical Support Services The American wellness attention system provides first-class intervention for insured patients, but many people have hapless entree to the system, and unfairnesss have late increased due to many factors. The free market attack is seemly non an attack that could be used in a wellness attention system when there is non the engagement of all parties, such as those that are uninsured. It has been reported that the 47 million uninsured Americans without wellness insurance are mostly borne by those with insurance. The undermentioned betterments are recommended in clinical support services: ‘ Rewards the invention in efficient bringing of wellness attention ‘ Establish a well-and firmly funded entity which continuously perform research on efficiency and effectivity of drugs, wellness attention devices, diagnosing and procedures and processs of wellness attention ‘ Federal and State Torahs must be made more consistent and rational ‘ Establish Information Technology substructure in wellness attention in order to ease informations exchange ‘ Create a National wellness attention database which will be available to all the stakeholders and research workers Social and Economic footing for the growing of the Uninsured in America Several tendencies combined over the last few decennaries to make greater wellness attention unfairnesss. Both Medicaid and Medicare, for illustration, contributed to aggressively lifting medical costs because they required province authoritiess to reimburse infirmaries and doctors at ‘reasonable ‘ degrees determined by wellness attention suppliers. Predictably, reimbursement was really generous and disbursals grew rapidly. Such skyrocketing medical costs, combined with the general lethargy of the economic system put wellness attention out of range for many Americans. The loss of 1000000s of occupations during the recent economic meltdown added to the turning figure of people without medical insurance. The staying occupations ‘ progressively nonunion, portion clip places in the services sector ‘ offered few, if any wellness benefits. The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( AIDS ) epidemic put an added load on the US wellness attention system. The disease claimed over 80, 000 lives up to 1990. Many of these patients are unemployed, and lack medical insurance, and have unmet demands beyond wellness attention, including guidance services, lodging, and transit. As the disease spreads, the costs of research, intervention, and lost productiveness add up to one million millions of dollars each twelvemonth. For these grounds force per unit area grew for wellness attention reforms in United States. Harmonizing to a study of Institute of Medicine, the future wellness policy must place further the of import maps of the policy, i.e. service, policy development and appraisal. These would besides better the overall quality of different state-owned undertakings. A panel from the platform of Institute of Medicine gave the undermentioned recommendations: ‘that every populace wellness bureau on a regular basis and consistently roll up, assemble, analyze, and do available information on the wellness of the community, including statistics on wellness position, community wellness demands, and epidemiological and other surveies of wellness jobs†¦ ‘ ‘That the public wellness responsibilities of provinces should include†¦ appraisal of demands in the province based on informations aggregation ; confidence of an equal statutory base for wellness activities ; †¦ constitution of statewide wellness aims ; †¦ confidence of appropriate organized statewide attempt to develop and keep indispensable†¦ wellness services†¦ ‘ ( Institute of Medicine, 1988 ) . Reasons for addition in wellness attention costs The steady addition of healthcare outgo coupled with the present planetary economic meltdown and lifting federal shortage makes it really dashing undertaking for United States to finance the wellness attention outgo either through private employers wellness insurance coverage or through public plans like Medicare and Medicaid. This has besides compelled the wellness insurance companies to increase their wellness insurance premium rate. Now the household premium of employer-sponsored wellness insurance has increased by 131 per centum since 1999 ( Kaiser Family Foundation and Health Research and Educational Trust, 2009 ) . Public plans like Medicare and Medicaid portion a major ball of entire wellness attention outgo duty but they failed to increase their per capita disbursement with the same gait as private insurance companies do, i.e. 6.8 against 7.1 per centum between the period 1998 to 2008 ( Altman, Levitt and Claxton, 2010 ) . Invention and Technology The promotion and invention of engineering in the field of medical scientific discipline has confirmed huge blessings on world. It draws the line between the old epoch and the modern epoch of brightness, between human retardation and advancement, between the life of wretchednesss and the era of felicity and cognition, between work forces ‘s foolish beliefs and scientific enquiry and research. The present epoch is the period of rapid alteration and inventions. New medical specialties emerged mundane to extenuate a figure of diseases. These medical specialties cut down the opportunities of coronary arteria disease, coronary artery disease, and bosom onslaught etc. Pharmaceutical and biomedical companies work indefatigably to develop medical specialties for such diseases, which considered as incurable in the past like Cancer ( Vastag, 1998 ) . Biomedical companies besides working on different vaccinums to extinguish diseases like Hepatitis C, which leads to chronic infections and liver failures ( Stratton et al. , 1999 ) . Similarly Curative vaccinum is best for forestalling malignant neoplastic diseases in general and vaccinum for villoma virus is supposed to forestall malignant neoplastic diseases of neck in peculiar. Aging Harmonizing to the US Bureau of the Census, the fastest turning section of the population in 1990 was grownups and seniors. In the twelvemonth 2000, 36 per centum of the population of the United States was over 45 old ages old, as compared to 30.8 per centum in this class in 1980. Alternatively of being youth-oriented in the hereafter, the United States will go a senior orientated civilization ( Way, 2000 ) . It has been estimated that merely 50 % of the citizens under the age bracket of 55 to 64 old ages are in work in developing states as compared to 75 % of 25 to 54 old ages old and this per centum shrinks further in EU states, i.e. merely 39 % . It is besides estimated that aging population of United States will turn about 80 per centum during the period of 2000 to 2025 ( U.S. Census Bureau, 2002 ) . Health disbursals of a individual increases as his or her age additions. However, experts believe that the factor of aging population contributes really small in the addition of wellness attention outgo ( Orszag, 2008 ) . Decision Peoples cope with life ‘s uncertainnesss, particularly mortality and disease, utilizing medical specialty. Medical scientific discipline uses non a sacred but a profane attack covering with the ordinary, platitude and layman. The hapless suffer more wellness jobs than the remainder of the society as a consequence of low quality wellness attention, more life emphasiss, and fewer get bying resources. Functionalists claim that the wellness attention establishment helps keep a strong work force, but conflict theoreticians argue that it has historically shifted the incrimination for sick wellness from the environment to the laden hapless and through medicalization has extended its control over of all time more parts of society. Even today, medical scientific discipline focal points on the person ‘s duties for illness instead than societal causes. The capitalist system causes the wellness jobs, but uses the medical establishments to get away incrimination and even net income from them. Suggested options include more authorities intercession and greater consumer instruction. The American wellness attention system provides first-class intervention for insured patients, but many people have hapless entree to the system, and unfairnesss have late increased due to many factors. This has promoted calls for reforms, including free, cosmopolitan wellness attention which most other modern states offer to their citizens. Many of these states, nevertheless, have retreated from socialized medical specialty because of lifting cost and increasing consumer demands. The free market attack is seemly non an attack that could be used in a wellness attention system when there is non the engagement of all parties, such as those that are uninsured. It has been reported that the 47 million uninsured Americans without wellness insurance are mostly borne by those with insurance. There is a measure of 2.7 trillion yearly for the cost of attention on United States economic system to care for the uninsured and about three 4th of this is paid by the Federal, State and local authoritiess through a assortment of destitute attention payments. The extra disbursals is push away on to the private sector. There are 299 million people in the United States in 2007 and out of that sum there is about 253.4 million that have wellness insurance ( Cover, 2009 ) . The huge bulk of those 202 million had private wellness insurance, harmonizing to the Census Bureau and those Numberss double as of 2009. Numerous factors combined together to make unfairnesss in United States wellness attention system. State and Federal authorities have to reimburse the wellness attention disbursals of people through Medicare, Medicaid and other authorities sponsored plans liberally which grew at a rapid gait due to the crisp addition in wellness attention cost. The present glooming economic status of United States, loss of 1000000s of occupations increased the figure of uninsured people and added more load on the already bowed down shoulders of US Government. In such a state of affairs, it seems instead, farfetched that US authorities will go on to bear wellness attention disbursal of the uninsured and underinsured people. The continuously increasing fiscal liability of supplying wellness attention services to the uninsured proved to be a hinderance which does non let the system to work decently and an hindrance to supply the wellness attention benefit to the meriting portion of the society.